Carolina International Trucks has six, South Carolina locations so that our customers have easy access to parts and service. When you become one of our customers, we make sure you don't have to worry about having quality parts and the best service available. The trucking industry is growing in the excitement of innovative advances. Part of our mission is to keep up with the latest trucking news and the technology that is advancing our industry.


Our parts department is constantly on the move making sure parts are where they are needed. Our delivery fleet efficiently moves parts around daily to keep customers' trucks on the move. It is easy to order a part without making a call. Interesting research and development are happening that could be very helpful to our industry.

Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is the innovative solution to making many products on demand. The trucking industry is now in research and development with 3D printing for trucking parts, and it is being seen as a way to get those old parts that are hard to find. A technology we will definitely be keeping in our sight.


When you need the highest quality service, our six locations offer over 70 bays for maintenance and repairs. The most valued part of our service department is the quality of technicians we have working hard for our customers. Over 80 of our technicians are factory trained. New technology software is in the works to offer easy technician reporting.

A new software is in the works as found on Truck Parts & Service, "Software provider developing in-shop RO management tool" by Truck Parts & Service Staff (2018, May 28). Reportedly in early 2019, a new device, known as "Workshop Hub," will give technicians a "user-friendly," touchscreen technology to manage "time sheets, service documents, inspection sheet, and workshop audits from the workshop floor." Managers will also have the capabilities to better manage job allocation and monitor job status.


Carolina International Trucks is your premier dealer in South Carolina. Stop by one of our locations to see the quality parts and services we offer when you partner with us. We're here to keep your business moving forward, and it is always an honor to be your first choice for all of your trucking solutions.