With so many different models on the market, your first time shopping for a semi truck is bound to be a little confusing. After all, a semi truck is a major investment, and you wouldn’t want to wind up with a vehicle that doesn’t match your needs. This buyer’s guide from Carolina International Trucks talks you through some of the most important factors to consider when purchasing your first semi truck.

If you’re looking for semi trucks for sale in South Carolina, look no further than your nearest Carolina International Trucks location. We have six dealerships across the state. Our qualified staff would be happy to help you track down the perfect truck.

Decide Between New or Used

The first step in any vehicle purchase is to decide whether to shop new or used. Both options have their merits, and the answer mostly comes down to your budget.

Advantages of Buying New

Reliability is the main benefit of buying a new vehicle. Your factory-fresh semi truck is a clean slate with a shiny new engine that’s ready to take you places. Buying new also gives you the protection of a manufacturer’s warranty. Warranties offer varying levels of coverage, so take a close look at the fine print before you shake hands on purchasing a new truck.

Advantages of Buying Used

Working with a tight budget? You can save thousands of dollars on a pre-owned semi truck, and Carolina International Trucks offers a great selection of used models in top condition. A properly maintained used truck can provide many years of faithful service.

Get a Good Fit

Your semi truck is more than just a means of transportation. For the many truckers who log thousands of hours on the road each year, their vehicle is almost like a second home. Your truck cab should fit you like a good pair of shoes, so take the time to consider the features you need to feel comfortable.

Making a list of must-haves can help you narrow down your options. Bring your list when you visit the dealership, and spend some time inside the cab of any potential purchase. Does it have enough storage space for all your supplies? Are the seats comfortable? Is the sleeping compartment a good fit? How’s the audio system? Even if everything looks good on paper, you shouldn’t settle for a truck that doesn’t have the right feel. With so many choices out there, there’s never any need to compromise on comfort.

Perform an Inspection

Of course, reputable truck dealers always inspect used vehicles before offering to buyers. But even if you are purchasing from a trusted dealer like Carolina International Trucks, performing your own inspection can add to your peace of mind. Buying a semi truck is a big commitment, and every bit of confidence helps! Your inspection checklist should include brake pads, hoses, axles, tire tread, and belts. You’ll also want to watch out for evidence of any fluid leaks.

Take a Test Drive

Whether you’re buying new or used, never skip the test drive! This is the final and most critical step in the decision making process. First, fire up the engine and let it idle for at least a minute, listening for any suspicious sounds from beneath the hood. If everything sounds good, take it for a spin! And if possible, hitch up a trailer and see how it handles. A new rig can take some adjustment at first, but if it still feels rough when you pull back into the dealership, it may be time to check out another model.

Are you ready to put these tips to good use? Head to your local Carolina International Trucks. Our flagship location is in Columbia, SC, and we have a total of six dealerships throughout South Carolina. We proudly serve the South Carolina trucking community!