Whether you're a truck driver, another part of the trucking business or a Class C driver, we all realize how many trucks are traveling the highways. It is our pleasure to revisit some interesting and fun trivia about our trucking industry.

As you can discover on Wikipedia's, "History of the trucking industry in the United States," the trucking industry began its creation during World War I. As roads began to be paved during the 1930's, more goods began moving via trucks. With the construction of our major interstate highway system, the trucking industry began to grow as the highways began connecting major cities late in the 1950's.

During the 1960's and 1970's, truckers began to be recognized with songs, movies, and the fuel crisis. Remember the song by C. W. McCall, "Convoy?" If you're too young to know about this fun trucking trivia, check out Country Music Project's post by Paige Hinkle entitled "The Fascinating Story Behind "Convoy" and the Secret Trucker Lingo." You will enjoy a blast from the past that will bring you fond memories, or a new awareness, of this powerful industry that keeps America moving.

The invention of the "Citizens band radio," as explained on Wikipedia, connected not only truckers but many individuals from their homes. It was great fun to listen to the truckers and the names they used as their unique "handles". The "CB trucking slang," also on Wikipedia, became its own unique language. It's a bit sad to know this fun, trucking communication once entertained many households, and it is now part of the past.

Carolina International Trucks joined the trucking industry's history in 1993 to deliver quality trucks and service that keep America's companies on the move. It is our honor to hear from you. Contact us to learn how we can provide your company with a full-service trucking solution. We're "10-10" on the side.