Driving a truck in summer is fun and exciting due to the brighter and longer days than in the fall or winter. However, the extreme heat can bring various unique challenges, and you will want to prepare yourself before hitting the road.

We at Carolina International Trucks want you and your truck safe and enjoying your summertime trips. Our experts have gathered a few tips to help you stay safe and comfortable when driving your rig in hot weather.


The first thing to do when driving a semi in the summer is to take care of yourself. Use sunscreen on your face, ears, neck, and arms to avoid getting tanned, and wear long-sleeved shirts in breathable fabrics. You will also want to keep yourself cool and hydrated—so remember to bring extra water bottles.

Truck Care

Next, you will want to take all possible measures to keep your truck cool and functioning smoothly.

Start by inspecting your semi and ensuring your air conditioning system is functional. You will want to check your truck’s hoses for leaks and cracks and ensure that the fittings are secure and not loose. You will also want to clean the filters or replace them, as neceessary, to maintain cool and fresh air inside your rig.

More importantly, you should inspect your tires and adjust their air pressure to your manufacturer’s recommendation. Make sure that you check the radiator and top off any low-level coolant before hitting the road.

We hope you find this guide handy when driving your rig in the summer. If you need more advice or want to upgrade your model before your next outing, visit Carolina International Trucks. We have multiple dealerships throughout South Carolina, and our headquarter is in Columbia, SC, so stop by today.